Manage events at your fingertips


Ticketing & Registration

Event Tickets
Event Tickets
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Create Unlimited Tickets
Create unlimited tickets with flexible pricing options and descriptions.
Specify Event Capacity
Define the maximum number of attendees that can register.
Set Ticket Quantity
Determine the number of tickets available for each type.
Generate QR Codes
Produce tickets with unique QR codes for efficient scanning.
Define Ticket Types
Customize free or paid tickets for a diverse range of tickets.
Control Ticket Access
Determine which attendee types can purchase specific tickets.
Add Checkpoints
Establish entrance locations for ticket validation.
Configure Ticket Validity
Establish how long the tickets remain valid for entry.
Set Ticket Sales Duration
Specify the timeframe for when tickets can be purchased.
Offer Add-ons Coming Soon
Provide purchasable add-ons to accompany tickets.
Create Discount Codes
Offer promotional discounts with custom codes and quantities.
Apply Taxes
Automatically include relevant taxes on top of ticket prices.
Define Ticket Visibility
Specify the ticket sales channels, such as online, onsite, etc.
Modify Tickets
Edit or delete tickets and associated variables as required.
Share Optimized Tickets
Offer mobile-friendly tickets with e-wallet compatibility.
Send Ticket Emails
Send purchase confirmation emails with tickets and invoices.
Distribute Bulk Tickets
Send tickets to individual ticket holders when purchased in bulk.
Integrate DTCM Codes
Include DTCM compliance codes in tickets for events in Dubai.
Add Ticket Widgets
Embed customizable ticket widgets on your direct sales.
Track Ticket Sales
Monitor ticket sales in one table along with their quantities.
View Ticket Analytics
Obtain comprehensive data on ticket sales performance.
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Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Manage Attendees
Manage Attendees
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Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Badge Printing
Badge Printing
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Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Onsite Badges
Onsite Registration & Check-in
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Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Access Control
Access Control
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Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon

Operations & Setup

Users and Roles
Users and Roles
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Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Manage Events
Manage Events
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Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
DTCM Integration
DTCM Integration
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Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Payment and Payouts
Payment and Payouts
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Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
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Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon

Analytics & Reporting

Multiple Dashboards
Multiple Dashboards
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Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Event Reports
Event Reports
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Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Sales Ravenue
Sales Ravenue
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Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon

Promote and Advertise

Event Page
Event Page
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Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Custom Emails
Custom Emails
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Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Entryvent Listing Platform
Entryvent Listing Platform
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Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Engagement and Analytics
Engagement and Analytics
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Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Embeddable Widgets
Embeddable Widgets
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Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon

Exhibitors and Sponsors

Lead Retrieval
Lead Retrieval
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Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Expo Listing
Expo Listing Coming Soon
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Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Sponsor Banner Ads
Sponsor Banner Ads
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Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Matchmaking Coming Soon
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Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon


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Count on us as your ultimate event-planning buddy to assist you through the ins and outs of an event.
We offer 24-hour free live chat support as you create, manage, and promote your dream event.


Ready to take action?

Explore Entryvent to unlock endless possibilities and turn your dream event into a successful reality.